Krishtel eMaging Solutions Pvt Limited
Typesetting and Publishing Services
In the last 15 years, we have typeset more than 800 textbooks for various leading publishers in India and US.
We are currently typesetting more than six journals and also are publishing a journal of our own.
Text Books:
Springer, New York, USA
- Sign-Changing Critical Point Theory by Wenming Zou
- Nonlinear Optimization with Engineering Applications by Michael Bartholomew-Biggs
- Stopped Random Walks - Limit Theorems and Applications by Allan Gut
- Parallel Coordinates: Visual Multidimensional Geometry and its Applications by Alfred Inselberg
- Deformation Theory by Robin Hartshorne
- Functional Equations and Inequalities with Applications by Pl. Kannappan
- Fixed Point Theory by D R Sahu
- Robust Control of Discrete-Time Linear Stochaostic Systems by V Dragan et al
- Surveys in Number Theory by Alladi
- Non-Smooth Dynamics of Contacting Theroelastic Bodies by J Awrejcewicz and Yu Pyryev
- Topics in Hyperplane Arrangements, Polytopes and Box Splines by C DeConcini and C Processi
Birkhauser, Boston, USA
- Generalized Functions,3rd Ed. By Ram P. Kanwal
- Reliable Systems by Ken Birman
- AISDG Series by Nowak and Szajowski
- Multiscale Potential Theory by Freeden/Michel
- Complex, Contact and Symmetric Manifolds by Kowalski et al
- Multibody Dynamics by Amirouche
- Resampling Methods by Philip I. Good
- Studies in Lie Theory, (eds) Bernstein, Melnikov and Hinich
- Stochastic Switching Systems: Analysis and Design by El-Kebir Boukas
- Lagrangian Probability Distributions by Prem C. Consul and Felix Famoye
- Linear Systems by Panos J. Antsaklis and Anthony N. Michel
- Geometric Problems on Maxima and Minima by T. Andreescu, O. Mushkarov and L. Stoyanov
- An Approach to Lie Groups by Claudio Processi
- Lagrangian Probability Distributions by Prem C. Consul and Felix Famoye
- Compactifications of symmetric and locally symmetric spaces by Armand Borel and L Ji
- Singal Processing for Music Transcription by Anssi Klapuri and Manuel Davy
- Statistics and Analysis of Shapes by H Krim and A Yezzi
- Foundation and Application for MIS: Model Theory Approach by Y. Takahara and Y. Liu
- Phase Space Analysis of PDEs --- (eds) Antonio Bove, Ferruccio Colombini and Daniele Del Santo
- Atmospheric and Space Flight Dynamics by Ashish Tewari
- Advances in Statistical Methods for the Health Sciences by Balakrishnan
- Mathematical Theory of Evidence and Uncertainty in Measurement” by Simona Salicone
- Advances in Discrete Tomography and Its Applications by Gabor T. Herman and Attila Kuba
- Networks and Grids: Technology & Theory -- Textbook by Thomas G. Robertazzi
- Networks and Grids: Technology & Theory – Solutions Manual by Thomas G. Robertazzi
- Advances in Mathematical Finance -- edited by Michael C. Fu
- Polarization and Moment Tensors with Applications to Inverse Problems and Exective Medium Theory by Habib Ammari, Hyeonbae Kang
- Representation Theory and Automorphic Functions by Kobayashi et al.
- An Introduction to Sequential Dynamical Systems by Henning S Mortveit and Christian M. Reidys
- Set-Theoretic Methods in Control by Franco Blanchini and Stefano Miani
- Einstein Series and Applications by Tschinkel et al
- Alan Turing's Legacy and New Computational Paradigms by Cooper et al.
- Control of Turbulent and Magnetihydrodynamic channel flows by R. Vazquez and M Krstic
- Integration and Modern Analysis by John J. Benedetto and Wojciech Czaja
- Partial Differential Equations by Emmanuele DiBenedetto
- Topics in Operator Semigroups by Shmuel Kantorovitz
- Explorations in Harmonic Analysis by Steven G Krantz
- Fourier Analysis on Finite Abelian Groups - Bao Luong
- Minimax Systems and Critical Point Theory by Martin Schechter
- Yang-Mills Theory: General Theory by A Mallios
- Rationality Volume by Fedor Bogomolov and Yuri Tschinkel
- Algebraic Group by Gerry Schwarz
- Delay Compensation for Nonlinear, Adaptive and PDE Systems by Miroslav Krstic
- Einstein and the Changing Worldviews of Physics by Christoph Lehner et al.
- Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations - Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutions and Self-Similar Solutions by Mi-Ho Giga et al.
- Spectral Methods in Surface Superconductivity by Soren Fournais and Bernard Helffer
Universities Press (India) Limited, Hyderabad, India.
- Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques by Dr. Sathyanarayana
- Statistical Mechanics by Avijit Lahiri
- Physics of Semiconductor Devices by Dilip K. Roy
- A Course in Digital Microwave Communications I, II, III, IV
- Finite Element Analysis for Engineering and Technology by T. R. Chandruptala
- Plant Tissue Culture - Basic and Applied by Jha and Ghosh
- Introduction to Discrete Mathematical Structures
- Mathematical Physics volume II
- Frontiers in the Design of Materials (eds.) Baldev Raj et al.
- Frontiers of Fundamental Physics - vol. 5 (ed.) B. G. Sidharth
- Fuel Cells -- Basics by B Viswanathan and M Aulice Scibioh
- Fuel Cells -- Principles and Applications by B Viswanathan and M Aulice Scibioh
- Digital Communication and Signal Processing by K Vasudevan
- Measures and Probablity by Siva R. Athreya and V. S. Sunder
- Chemical Process Calculations by K Asokan
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, India.
Scitech Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, India.
Allied Publishers Limited, Chennai, India.
Narosa Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, India.
Elsevier India
- Aircraft Propulsion - Theory and Science of Thrust for Flight by Bhaskar Roy
- Engineering Thermodynamics - A Generalized Approach by P L Dhar
- Tropical Hepatogastroenterology by B N Tandon
- Exploration Modelling of Base Metal Deposits by S K Haldar
- Cardiovascular Nursing - Nursing Management for Positive Outcome by Mary Lucita
- Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis by Ashish K Bhattacharya
- General Relativity and Cosmology by Sriranjan Banerji and Asit Banerji
Indian Academy of Sciences , Bangalore, India (2002-2011).
Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Mysore, India.
Krishtel eMaging Solutions Private Limited, Chennai, India
Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai (2004 - 2007)